General Education
AMDA Faculty since: 2019
Adriana Sekulovic-Arnold is a sociologist, researcher, author and educator. Her teaching specializations are sociology of deviance; sociology of professions; sociology of sport; social problems; intersection between gender, race, ethnicity and crime; and quantitative and qualitative research methods in social sciences. Her overarching pedagogical goal is to help students become active participants in a constantly evolving social dialogue with others. Her courses stress the value of theoretical frameworks, social processes and empirical application in local, national and global contexts that call for an integration of the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion.
2020 Profession : agent sportif : contribution à une théorie des modèles professionnels (Éditions Universitaires Européennes ISBN/EAN : 6139522722, 2020)
Panels Organized
2020 Best Practices for Teaching Sociology of Sport Online, Ohio State University,
2022 The Role of Athlete Agents in the Context of Name, Image and Likeness Activities, North American Society for Sports Management Conference, June 2-4.
2021 Professional trajectories and tasks of sports agents. The culmination of a long process of legitimation, World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Virtual, November 15-19.
2021 The Role of Sport Agent in the Field of Communication, International Association for Communication and Sport, Clemson, SC, March 3-7.
2020 Athlete Protection in the Context of the Tripartite Athlete-Agent-Team Relationship, Journal of Emerging Sport Studies, October 16-18.
2009 L'éthique de l'Agent Sportif dans le Football, Colloque International Éthique et Sport en Europe, Rennes, France, April 15-17.
Ph.D., Physical and Sport Activities Science and Techniques, University of Paris - Nanterre
M.S., Kinesiology - Research/Sports Culture, Paris 10 University - Nanterre
M.A., Comparative Research on Development, School for Higher Studies in Human Sciences
B.A., Applied Foreign Languages - English/Italian, Paris IV Sorbonne University