An Update on action steps for our amda community
June 18, 2020 - Announcements
To the AMDA Community,
We would like to take a moment to update you on some of the action steps we are putting into place at AMDA to effect real, positive change.
· Job postings for The Office for Diversity and Inclusion have been active for over a week. If you or someone you know might be a good fit for either of these positions, please encourage them to apply!
o Chief Diversity Officer: apply here
o Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator: apply here
· We are in the final stages of forming Curriculum Review Committee structures with direct input from current students, alumni, faculty, and staff.
· We are establishing a formal, online point of connection for alumni (and any community members) where people may formally share concerns, suggestions, or any other thoughts in a way that each person may speak directly to AMDA Administration in a safe space. We hope to have this point of connection open very, very soon.
And so many more action steps are in the works. Together, we will effect positive change in our community, in our industry, and in the world.
We stand strongly with our community and we are committed to utilizing our AMDA platform to promote equality and justice.