AMDA College Logo

Student Life

Down Arrow

A Thriving Community of Artists. We believe actors should act, dancers should dance and singers should sing. Simply put, we believe performers need the opportunity to perform in order to master their craft. From full-scale mainstage productions to student-directed films, we give you countless opportunities to perform. You'll also find audiences in the classrooms, in the black box theatres and on every corner of campus. Begin performing on your very first day of class.

Campus Calendar

Welcome Fall 2024 Class!

We're ready to help you get started and begin your studies with us. In this section, you will find useful information and resources to help you navigate the orientation process. To begin, click on the campus you will be attending to learn more about your specific orientation, including important documents, schedules and department contacts. We look forward to your arrival.

As performing artists, maintaining high quality physical and mental health is critical for AMDA students who must meet rigorous academic and performance demands.

During emergency situations/events, AMDA utilizes "Everbridge" as the emergency communication vehicle. Students will receive a communication to their AMDA email address, a text to their cell phone number and an email to the student's personal email address. When a communication is received, we ask that the students reply with confirmation to verify the message was received. Students should keep their contact information up to date through the student portal.

Students who wish to acquire parking, need to purchase a parking decal each term.


  • Parking Fee: $700 per term, fees are subject to change
  • Parking Decal Replacement Fee: $20

Please e-mail with any questions or call (323)-603-5905.